Brera Academy

Accademia di belle arti di Brera

The Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, (Italian: Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera) also known as Brera Academy (Accademia di Brera) is a public academic institution located in the city center of Milan - Italy, in via Brera 28. It was founded in 1776 by HIM Maria Theresa of Austria.

The main objective is to teach and research within the creative arts, (painting, sculpting, graphics, photo, video etc.) and cultural historical disciplines.

Under the current Italian regulations (MIUR Ministry of Education, University and Research), the Brera Academy is included in the university program in the field of the Artistic and Musical Training issuing academic diplomas level of 1° (equivalent to degree) and academic diplomas level of 2° (equivalent to graduated teacher).

Within Italy it is the academic institution with the highest rate of internationalization (greater than 24%); it has about 3,500 students including over 850 foreigners (mostly postgraduates) from 49 nations.

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