Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

THE TERRAIN is the first gallery to show the inextricable relation between the technique of art and people’s lives. Since its opening in 1955 in New York City, the Terrain has presented exhibitions of contemporary paintings, prints, drawings, and photographs, with comment based on Eli Siegel’s historic Fifteen Questions, Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites? (see also Italian translation) Among the artists exhibiting have been Will Barnet, Robert Blackburn, William Clutz, Lois Dodd, William King, Andre Kertesz, Chaim Koppelman, Peter Passuntino, Stephen Poleskie, Elfi Schuselka, Richard Sloat, George O. Stadnik.


Click here to visit the Terrain Gallery website. 

Exhibitions and events

Dorothy Koppelman--Paintings, Prints, Drawings

Temporary exhibition until 01.08.2024

We’re proud to celebrate   the life & work of Dorothy Koppelman —founding director, artist, Aesthetic Realism consultant, one of the most important women in cultural history. She...

Educational programs

Classes in the Visual Arts via Video Conference


The Visual Arts & the Opposites Taught by Marcia Rackow Looking at the art of the world in museums and galleries here and abroad — from the tomb sculptures of ancient China to the latest work in...


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15. 06. 2024

Bernini; or, Art & Life— What Do They Have to Do with Each Other?

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

By Anthony Romeo, AIA, NCARB. Early in my career, while working on designs for a new building lobby requiring Italian marble, my supervisor asked me to travel...

2. 05. 2024

"Separate & Together: Opposites in the Art and Life of Edward Hopper" by Dorothy Koppelman

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

The more I study this Aesthetic Realism principle stated by Eli Siegel, the more I am thrilled at its truth: " The world, art, and self explain each other:...

26. 10. 2023

Chaim and Dorothy Koppelman Fdn Website

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

THE CHAIM & DOROTHY KOPPELMAN FOUNDATION  announces the launch of a new website for these two major 20th-century American artists, with a selection...

24. 07. 2018

Berthe Morisot: The Technique of Art & the Questions of Life--What's the Relation?

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

By MARCIA RACKOW.  As I studied the work of the renowned French Impressionist painter Berthe Morisot, whom I care for, I was taken by the energy and...

20. 06. 2018

What Are You Looking for in Love? Robert Indiana’s LOVE

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

By KEN KIMMELMAN Reprinted from the Journal of the Print World When, in the 1960’s, I first saw Robert Indiana’s LOVE ,   it really took me, as it did...

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