Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska

Muzej savremene umjetnosti Republike Srpske

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska was previously known as the city’s Art Gallery, only to be transformed into a museum in 2004. After the earthquake that hit Banja Luka in 1969 and destroyed everything, many Yugoslavian artists wanted to help the area so they donated their works and thus helped to found the Art Gallery in 1971.

The museum continued the work that was started by the gallery: it follows, displays, documents and promotes events, styles, art, and phenomena from the realm of the contemporary art.

The museum has four functional departments: A collection department, documentation department, pedagogy department and department for exhibitions and other scheduled activities.

A collection department contains over 1300 art works (paintings, sculptures, graphics, aquarelles, drawings and multimedia art pieces). Most of the works belong to the former Yugoslavian authors and foreign authors dating from the second half of the 20th century with the smaller portion of those works from the first half of the 20th century. Those works are considered to be essential for the museums work and existence.

A documentation department collects all materials related to the events organized by the museum. The museum also gathers data related to artists and art phenomena and institutions working on the ground of Republic of Srpska and in wider area. The library with several thousands of books, catalogs and other publications functions within this department.

The museum hosts many domestic but also foreign artists wanting to present its audience with ever wider range of artistic experiences.

Additionally, there is an art gallery where art lovers can see and works of many significant authors and artists. It is located in the center of the city in Kralja Alfonsa III Street 1.

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