Museum of the Town of Budva

Muzej grada Budve

The museum activity in Budva originates back in 1962, when it started to compose archaeological collections of the materials discovered by excavations done between 1957 and 1958. At that time, the collection of archaeological objects was exhibited in spaces that could not satisfy even the elementary museum related standards.

Upon the exceptionally valuable and rich discoveries were made after the earthquake in 1979, resulting in 4,000 finds (2,500 exhibits) from the Budva necropolises, the conditions for designing a serious conception for the museum activities and for solving the problem of an adequate space have emerged. Nowadays, the “Museums” represent the most complex working unit inside the PI “Museums, Gallery and Library” Budva, in organizational sense, and it carries out activities within the framework of the Museum of the Town of Budva (Archaeological and ethnographic collection) and Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša, Memorial Centre, within which also the library services and preventive protection department do their activities.

The complexity of such a museum activity results from the necessity both to exhibit cultural and historical features reflecting the evolution of life in a small area within the unique region such as the Mediterranean one is and to reflect the life and history conditions accompanied by ethno genesis echoing the interchanging of Illyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine Slavic and other cultures and mirroring the specific profile brought down to the art, archaeology and ethnography of the region. As such, the “Museums” represent a treasury of cultural history of this town and this destination in general, with specific features of human spirit and artistic enthusiasm.

Opening the first adequate museum building (the Museum of the Town of Budva, in 2003) and, hopefully, the expected training of human resources for and opening of the Archaeology Museum building are of extraordinary and overall cultural and scientific significance for the town of Budva, for Montenegro and a broader region.

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