Franz Liszt velja za največjega pianista svojega časa. Rodil se je leta 1811 v Raidingu na Gradiščanskem, se glasbeno izobrazil pri Carlu Chernyju in Antoniu Salieriju ter si kot enajstletni deček s koncertom na Dunaju odprl pot na glasbene odre takratne Evrope. Živel je v obdobju romantike, narodnega prebujanja in vzpona meščanstva, v času, ko se je intima baročnega salona umikala javnemu življenju gledališča, v času, ko je meščansko uglajenost, razsodnost in rahločutnost razvnemal talent mladega virtuoza. 

Liszt je na Štajersko prišel z Dunaja leta 1846, in to na povabilo Eduarda Lannoyja. Prvi koncert je imel v Gradcu 14. junija, dva dni kasneje pa je ob 19. uri igral v viteški dvorani mariborskega gradu. Po poročanju krajevnega zgodovinarja in publicista Rudolfa Gustava Puffa so na koncert »božanstvenega giganta med pianisti»

prišli iz vseh delov Spodnje Štajerske in tudi s Hrvaške. Koncertna pot ga je nato spet vodila v Gradec in od tam nazaj na Dunaj. Na Štajersko se je vrnil 25. julija, ko je igral na tradicionalnem Aninem plesu v Rogaški Slatini. Pot je nadaljeval v Zagreb in od tam preko Madžarske znova na Dunaj, septembra istega leta pa je odrinil proti Konstantinoplu in tja prispel leta 1847.

Razstavo smo pripravili v sodelovanju s Spominskim muzejem in raziskovalnim centrom Franza Liszta iz Budimpešte in Deželnim muzejem Burgenlad iz Eisenstadta.

Razstava bo v Pokrajinskem muzeju Maribor na ogled med junijem 2016 in decembrom 2017.

The exhibition marks the 170th anniversary of Franz Liszt's performance in the Knight's Hall of the Maribor castle. The exhibition is the result of the cooperation between our museum with the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum and Research Centre from Budapest and the Burgenland Regional Museum from Eisenstadt.

The opening of the exhibition will be accompanied by a fifty-minute concert of the piano player Tatjana Ognjatovič.

Franz Liszt is considered the greatest piano player of his time. He was born in Raiding in Burgenland in the year 1811. He underwent his musical education by Carl Cherny and Antonio Salieri. As an eleven years old boy, he gave a concert in Vienna, which opened him the doors to the musical stages of Europe of that time. He lived in the times of the Romanticism, the national awakening, and the ascent of the bourgeoisie. These were the times when the intimacy of the Baroque salons was exchanged by the public life of the theatre, when the bourgeois finesse, prudence, and sensitivity were inflamedby the talent of the young virtuoso.

Liszt came to Styria from Vienna in the year 1846 at the invitation of Eduard von Lannoy. He held his first concert in the city of Graz on the 14th of June, two days later at 7.00 p.m., he performed in the Knights’ Hall of the Maribor castle. According to the reports of the local historian and publicist Rudolf Gustav Puff, people came from all parts of Styria and also from Croatia to visit the concert of the “divine giant among piano players”. His concert tour then led Liszt back to Graz and from there he returned to Vienna. He revisited Styria on the 25th of July when he played at the traditional Anna’s ball in the town of Rogaška Slatina. He continued his journey to the city of Zagreb and then once again to Vienna via Hungary. In September of the same year, he set off to Constantinople and reached the city in the year 1874.

The exhibition will be opened for visitors from June 2016 until December 2017 at the Regional Museum Maribor. 

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