International Museum Day #SpiralUQ Human Spiral

What:   #SpiralUQ Human Spiral


  • Help us create a piece of land art to mark International Museum Day 2018 – we’re making a huge human spiral in the Great Court!


  • The theme for IMD2018 is ‘Hyperconnected museums: New approaches, new publics’ –connect with your fellow humans and with your Art Museum!


  • Our huge human spiral will mirror the iconic spiral Robert Smithson made in Utah in 1970 – Spiral Jetty. You can check out the Spiral Jetty film in the ‘Robert Smithson: Time Crystals’ exhibition currently showing at UQ Art Museum.


  • Take a break from the books and be part of something FUN!


  • Your reward – pick up your delicious, freshly baked cinnamon scroll from UQ Art Museum after the event.

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