The technology of crafsmanship raised to the status of art
In the Crafts room visitors can learn about som of the main vocational crafts that were important to the municipality in the past. They are in two classes - iron and wood - and they are closely linked to the town's two biggest festivals: Ascension Day and the S. Martinho fair. Video footage is also the route that takes us to the magical world of these workshops, and the acclaim for crafts is directly thanks to the technical renaissance that followed the demise of the Roman. This display, enclosed in large glass cases, takes us back to when craftsmen were masters of the traditional technical skills that enabled people to make almost everything we have today, from almost nothing.
The technology of crafsmanship raised to the status of art
In the Crafts room visitors can learn about som of the main vocational crafts that were important to the municipality in the past. They are in two classes - iron and wood - and they are closely linked to the town's two biggest festivals: Ascension Day and the S. Martinho fair. Video footage is also the route that takes us to the magical world of these workshops, and the acclaim for crafts is directly thanks to the technical... Read more
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