-: cord from parachute mine
-: Ptah-Pataikos
-: amuletic eye, utchat, wadjet
-: amulet in the form of a pillar; djed
-: amulet in form of a sow
-: scarab
-: antler
-: tibia
-: amphora handle
-: Qebehsenuef
-: amuletic eye, udjat, eye of Horus
-: Bes/ amuletic eye/ utchat
-: amulet in form of a crocodile
-: hawk amulet
-: tibia
-: wolf: ulna
-: carrot amphora
-: Sekhmet
-: Isis with infant Horus
-: amuletic eye, utchat, wadjet
-: Taweret amulet
-: papyrus sceptre amulet
-: metapodial
-: humerus
-: neck
-: Nefertum
-: wadjet, eye of Horus
-: figure of Ptah-Pataikos
-: amulet in the form of a wolf's head
-: aurochs bone
-: mandible
-: pointed fragment; probably an awl
-: jug
-: amuletic eye, utchat, wadjet
-: amuletic eye, utchat, wadjet
-: pylon amulet ?djed
-: amulet in the form of a hand
-: pelvis
-: mandible
-: rib; bos
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