81 - 120 of 65374 objects

Knees, Beam

Knees, Beam

Harvey Towing Torpedo (no date)

Method of fitting guns to the launch of Phaeton...

Congreve's method of fitting carronades to 74 gun...

A launch platform for holding a 68 pounder...

After Powder Room for a 74 gun Ship

18 pounder Joint Carronade

Naval carriage and Pivot Slide for a 64 pounder...

18 pound Carronade

Wash Deck Pump for a 74 gun Ship (c1825)

pump, deck washing

Truck for transporting Gigs and Whalers

Portable air boat

Truck for transporting Gigs and Whalers

ventilation openings

Carriage for transporting Cutters


Lightning Conductor

Confiance (1827)

Pomone (1845)

Lightning Conductor

Clyde (1796); Tamar (1796) [Alternative spelling:...

Stowage of ballast for large Frigates (50-60 guns)

Proposal for a chain shackle attachment

Scuppers for Ships of the Line and Frigates

Proposal for fitting scuppers to Ships of the Line

Stern board decoration for an unnamed First Rate

Stern board decoration for a Third Rate,...

Pomone (1794)

Unnnamed vessel (no date)

Section abaft the Mizzen Mast to illustrate the...

Section at the after part of the Fore Hatchway to...

Section at Stations 3, 5 and 6 to illustrate the...

Pumping system as designed by Captain Truscott...

Dodgson's Double Headed Pump as fitted to Janus...

Sultana (fl.1848)

Royal Sovereign (1786)

Hearths for Gunboats at Leith (1797)

Sheep pens and Poultry Coops for ships of the line