The Azerbaijan Parliament was established on December 7, 1918.

The Azerbaijan Parliament was established on December 7, 1918.
The Azerbaijani Parliament was inaugurated on December 7, 1918, at 13:00, in the building of Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev's former Girls' School on Nikolayev Street (now the building of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Mohammad Fuzuli). It was the first parliament in the Muslim East to be founded on the most democratic principles of the time. At the opening of the parliament, Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Chairman of the National Council of Azerbaijan, delivered a congratulatory speech. The parliament approved the government's program and expressed confidence in Fatali khan Khoyski's government.
Alimardan bey Topchubashov was elected as the parliament's chairman, and Dr. Hasan bey Agayev was elected as the first deputy chairman. As Alimardan bey Topchubashov left for the Paris Peace Conference, Hasan bey Agayev took charge of the parliament's activities. The resignation of Fatali khan Khoyski's government was accepted at the first meeting of parliament, and it was decided to form a new government. Fatali khan Khoyski was once again entrusted with the formation of the new government. Fatali khan Khoyski delivered his program to parliament on December 26, 1918, and submitted the composition of the new government for approval. The parliament approved the government's program and expressed confidence in Fatali khan Khoyski's government.

Оther innоvatiоns aimed tо equiр the ADR with all the attributes оf a genuine state. An army was fоrmed, a central bank and currency launched and, alоngside Russian, Azerbaijani (Turkic) became the state language and language оf educatiоn. Оther educatiоnal achievements included the fоunding оf Baku State University (BSU) where lectures began in Nоvember 1919, making this the first higher educatiоn institutiоn in Azerbaijan.


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