The Palace of Panah Ali Khan Javanshir Khan of Karabakh . #ArmenianVandalism

The Palace of Panah Ali Khan Javanshir Khan of Karabakh and founder of Shusha. It was destroyed by the Armenians in 1992. They used such an amazing palace for feeding cattle, pigs. #ArmenianVandalism

Palace of Panahali Khan consists of two structures. It is very likely more buildings initially entered the compound. It was built in the early years after Panahali Khan left the service for Nadir Shah in Khorasan in 1738 and started creating the Karabakh Khanate. The perpendicular buildings of the palace were not like a Khan’s luxurious headquarter but resemble houses of the eighteenth century’s Karabakh rich. Their façades used to face the yards.

Keywords: armenian-vandalizm

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