Venus and Cupid

No love is stronger than the love between mother and child. Today we want to illustrate the striking connection between Venus and Cupid. The theme has been subject of many artworks throughout the centuries.

Different tales exist on the origin of Venus and Cupid. One says that Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, had a love affair with Mars the god of war. Out of this relationship Cupid was born. In the following painting you see Venus with Mars who is being disarmed by Cupid.

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Mars, Venus and Cupid, Nationalmuseum Sweden, CC BY-SA

Cupid has got attributes from both of his parents. Like his mother he is considered to be the god of love, or more precisely the god of falling in love. He is seen as an innocent little child with bow and arrows. He shoots arrows to the heart and thereby awakens love that one can’t resist.

Venus and Cupid are often shown in intimate situations reflecting the love between mother and child. In the following painting Cupid is sitting on Venus lap and holding on to her neck. Both kiss each other.


Cupid Kissing Venus, Rijksmuseum, Public Domain

Venus and Cupid, Teylers Museum, CC BY-NC

Nonetheless, sometimes Venus has to hold back her son Cupid who seemingly shoots his arrows without meaning or reason in the hearts of men and awakens their desire. In the following image you see Cupid begging Venus to give back his arrows.

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Cupid begging Venus to give back his arrows, Rijksmuseum, Public Domain

In case we have attract your attention we would like to invite you to see more paintings and drawings depicting the special relationship between Venus and Cupid on our Pinterest board. You may also be interested in our related post about Chubby Babies in Paintings.


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